Tragic news – Ruben has passed away

We are all devastated to announce that our dear Ruben has passed away. Following a recent seizure, Ruben lost control of his back legs, leaving him struggling to get on his feet again. Despite his struggles, Ruben seemed positive, taking his medication, and responding to his carers. Sadly, his condition deteriorated and to get a more thorough diagnosis, Peter arranged an MRI to get images of Ruben’s spine, to see what could be done.

We took Ruben to Onderstepoort Veterinary Academy at Pretoria University for MRI imaging of his spine. Several experts looked at the images and discussed with Peter, we saw the magnitude of the damage to Ruben’s spine, spinal nerve and neurological system because of the poor care and conditions in his past life – captivity had ravaged his body. Ruben would never walk again. Peter was thinking that euthanasia may be the only humane option.

We see so many victims of captivity in circuses and zoos, where insufficient, deficient food, inbreeding, and lack of space to exercise and develop their bodies, causes lifelong disease and pain. Ruben’s illnesses are a good illustration of this.

Towards the end of the imaging, Ruben suffered heart failure. Peter pulled him out of the MRI and resuscitated him and he was loaded into his crate to come home, but his heart failed again and despite Peter’s incredible efforts to resuscitate him, he could not revive Ruben a second time. Ruben passed away without regaining consciousness, we are grateful he felt no pain.

An incredible character, we rescued 16-year-old Ruben from Armenia after nearly six years of loneliness when the other animals, including his family, were taken away from a private zoo after the owner died. On arrival at the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary, Ruben inspired everyone with his determination to enjoy his new life in his African homeland; battling to walk despite stumbling and falling over; enjoyed his catnip toys, liked to gather them all together into his A-frame sun shelter; watched the lions next door; basked in the African sunshine, listening to the roars of the other lions all around him. During 7 months of freedom (equal to 4 human years), Ruben got his roar back.

While we mourn this inspirational lion, we also celebrate that he got to walk on grass, feel the wind in his mane, and see the sky over his head. He especially loved to lay in the long grass with the African sun on his back. He played with his catnip toys and other treats, and he roared with his own kind again. It was too short, but we would have fought to give him those precious pleasures, even if it were just for a week. We will forever be grateful for the gift of life which ADI supporters gave Ruben. Thank you.

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