Farewell Easy

With great sadness we announce the passing of Easy, one of the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary matriarchs and last of the magnificent pride of nine lions ADI rescued from a circus in Colombia ten years ago. Easy was an exceptionally elegant, powerful, lioness with a very distinctive face.

She was at least 18 years old, elderly for a lion, and we way “at least” because circuses often lie, claiming the animals are younger and/or have performed less than they have.

The Colombian pride was saved from deplorable conditions, and several (notably OJ and Iron) were broken, with long-term health problems – but once in ADI’s care, they flourished and enjoyed many years in Africa.

Sadly, in the long term, the in-breeding, malnutrition and physical deprivation takes a toll on the bodies of these animals and one by one the old warriors from Colombia suffered cancer and other health issues as they aged.

Easy was inseparable from her sister Shakira and even now it is hard going past Camo Habitat at sunset and not seeing their distinctive profiles silhouetted against the red sky. Sadly, Shakira began to develop health issues in 2020 and was hospitalized in September. Easy was overjoyed when she returned but a year later, in August 2021, Shakira passed away with cancer.

We began the long process of introducing Easy to a younger lion, quiet, gentle David, who was rescued from a circus in Peru. They would eat side by side and rotate in the main habitat and feeding camp. In March 2022 they were allowed into the feeding camp together, with David hilariously appearing to show off and do pull ups on the wood frame. Easy set her terms and made it clear she was senior in the relationship – she would box David’s ears if he bothered her too much, and he would roll on his back submissively. They spent much time together for a couple of years, popping up in different parts of the habitat.

However, a year ago, Easy began to have health issues and many will remember she was in hospital when Ruben arrived from Armenia. In fact, she was Ruben’s first lion meeting in six years. David welcomed Easy back to the Sanctuary but as time wore on, doubtless feeling her age, Easy became less tolerant of him and started to drive him away if he approached, so we rotated them through the feeding camp and main habitat – she preferred to sit by him at the fence. 

Until just a few days ago, Easy appeared very settled, but then she lost her appetite and looked uncomfortable. We took her to hospital, where she was sedated for examination and tests. Her body was closing down, her red blood cell count had dropped, she was anemic, her liver and kidneys failing, a tumor in her abdomen. We decided it was time to say goodbye to this warrior queen.

Easy will be greatly missed, the last of our group of incredible Colombian lions who survived the worst of human cruelty and made it home to live out their lives on African soil, loved and respected – Iron, OJ, Bumba, Bollilo, Junior, Zeus, Barbie, Shakira and Easy.

Easy lived a life of two halves – equally divided between circus horror and loved in ADI care. She came home to Africa to stride through the long grass, shelter beneath the trees, feel the sun on her back, roar at sunset, and sleep beneath the stars in the land of her ancestors, enjoying freedom and contentment with her family.

An indomitable lioness who very much knew what she wanted.  Easy, we will miss you.

Thanks to our wonderful supporters, Easy was rescued from the circus and came home to Africa, where she belonged. If you would like to give an in-memoriam donation, which will go to the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary to support the care of our rescued residents, you can do so here:

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